Having your water well routinely inspected can help ensure it lives a long and healthy life, while saving you money in the long run. Annual Inspections can also discover issues before they have the chance to compromise your water’s quality, putting you or your property at risk.
You should always have your well inspected by a licensed water systems professional like those here at Domer’s. Here are some of the things we look for in our inspections:
The Wellhead
The area above the ground surface is just as important as what is underneath. If any of the following show signs of damage, call a professional to investigate:
- Well Casing – Visually inspect the general condition of the pipe protruding from the ground, and measure to make sure the pipe extends at least a foot above the ground.
- Well Cap – The cap on top of the casing should be checked along with any seals, making sure there are no leaks and that it is securely attached.
- Electrical Conduit – Without touching any potentially live circuits, visually verify that all connections are secure.
System Components and Equipment
Contact a water well systems professional if you discover issues with any of the following:
- Above-ground pumping equipment, including motors and shaft seals
- Above-ground wiring and parts like pipes, connections, joint seals, pressure gauges, and relief valves
- Storage tanks
- The electrical control box
- Water softeners and conditioners
- Filtration equipment
Having your well inspected regularly and doing your due diligence to make sure things are in proper working order can go a long way towards reducing your well-related repair bills in the future. If you’re in need of water system-related services, the team at Domer’s is here to help. We’ve been in business for nearly a century, and our expertly trained staff will keep your well running smoothly so you and your family can enjoy reliable, clean water for years to come. Call us today at (863) 763-3417 with any questions.