Having an irrigation well on your property gives you access to water sources other than city or municipality-supplied water for things like watering your lawn or garden. Though there is an initial cost associated with digging an irrigation well, the savings in the long run will far outweigh the initial fee.
Here are some great reasons to consider installing an irrigation well on your property:
Reducing your monthly water bill
Since the water produced by your irrigation well comes directly from underground aquifers, you aren’t charged based on how much you use. This is especially advantageous during the summer months when keeping your lawn and garden watered frequently is imperative to their health. With your own irrigation well, you won’t be forced to spend a considerable amount on using city water for your lawn – making it much easier to maintain your property during drought conditions.
It adds to your property value
Though it may not be one of the amenities commonly looked for on housing listings, having an irrigation well can allow you to ask a higher price for your property if you decide to sell. With city water prices on the rise, and the demand for independence from city-supplied utilities increasing, having an irrigation well puts you at a big advantage on the market.
Use an automatic timer to water your lawn
Having your own irrigation well allows you to water your lawn using an automatic timer attached to the well, eliminating the need to water by hand.
These are just some of the benefits of installing an irrigation well on your property, and the effort is well worth the reward. To get started on planning your property’s well, contact the experts here at Domer’s. Our doors have been open for nearly a century, and we have the tools and knowledge necessary to dig a well that perfectly suits your needs. Contact us today.